Here’s a list of features for this software Instant Success Site for Clickbank
1 Click “Newbie Friendly” Setup
Literally all you need to do is enter your clickbank ID, choose your niche and click a button, and you are now the proud owner of a totally automated site, that will create content, get traffic AND MAKE YOU MONEY!
Choose from 5 top performing niches (OR ANY OTHER NICHE YOU WANT)
We have the top 5 highest converting and most profitable niches for you to choose from. We chose these five ( Internet Marketing, Diet/Cooking, Video Games, Finance/Trading and Weight Loss ) because we know that they are top performers and we know that they will make you lots of money.
But if you don’t want to use these niches, maybe your site doesn’t fit them or you just want to choose something else…. Well don’t worry! You can just select our “custom niche” option and setup your site to work on FULL AUTOPILOT with literally any niche you want. Get daily high quality content for your site on total autopilot
Once you have chosen your niche you’ll get high quality content posted to your site for you. You’ll never have to make a blog post again! All the content created for you will be ultra-relevant to your chosen niche, complete with images, videos everything your visitors will love!
100% automatic site monetization using Clickbank offers
All you need to do is enter your clickbank ID (don’t worry if you don’t have one yet, clickbank is free to join and you can get setup with an id in seconds… it’s easy) then Instant Success Site will create review posts of top converting clickbank offers.
Each review post the software creates for you will have its own video embedded in the post, it will even have bonuses for your customers to collect if they buy from you. AND your clickbank id will be embedded in the buy button link automatically, so you get full credit for each sale!
100% automated social TRAFFIC!
Simply hookup your Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest accounts (super simple all you need to do is enter username + password) and the plugin will autopost your site content AND clicbank product reviews on social media for you. Getting you fans, followers and most important TRAFFIC.
No manual work needed. It’s the simplest software to use ever. With instant success site there is no complicated setup. No need to create an apps, no need to sign up for any other services, it really is as simple as choosing a niche and clicking a button! 24/7 100% automation!
Once you click the button to setup your site, that’s it you are done! The software will work for you every single day forever creating content, posting clickbank product reviews to make you money, and getting you social followers and traffic… all on 100% AUTOPILOT!